Support in the evaluation of the projects of the Reference Point Association

Reference Point is an association that supports young people under guardianship, former wards, and/or at risk of exclusion in their emancipation process. During 2022 and 2023, D’EP Institut has supported the association in evaluating projects related to:

  • - social mentoring (Referents and Atenea);
  • - family nucleus reception (Acull);
  • - housing alternatives (Llars el Pas)
The evaluations have served to review the logical framework of the projects, analyze the implementation, and perceived results using quantitative and qualitative techniques.

Fund for aid to forgotten humanitarian crises 2023

The Caja Navarra Foundation annually contributes to a fund aimed at forgotten humanitarian crises. D’EP Institut supported the management of the 2023 call for proposals, in which 8 entities applied, and three benefited: Manos Unidas, UNICEF, and ACNUR. Specifically, D’EP was responsible for preparing the materials for the jury, systematizing the evaluation criteria, collecting their contributions, and providing the results of their assessment.