D’EP Institut has conducted, for the second time, the Study on the Sector of Companies Dealing with Soil and Substrates in Spain commissioned by APTYS, the Association of Soil and Substrate Preparers for Cultivation. To carry out this work, an analysis of the databases of the commercial registry and TARIC, of exports and imports, has been carried out, as well as an online survey of companies in the sector. The results of the study were presented on October 3, 2023, within the framework of Iberflora 2023, a leading trade fair in Europe among professional flower and gardening fairs. For more information: https://aptys.org/aptys-presenta-en-iberflora-2023-el-segundo-estudio-de-mercado-sobre-el-sector-de-las-empresas-comercializadoras-de-tierras-y-sustratos-en-espana/