D’EP Institut has conducted the recruitment, facilitation, and transcription of 24 interviews and 4 focus groups within the framework of the European project Invent Culture, of which the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) is a partner.

The Invent Culture project, funded by European funds, investigates social and cultural premises with the aim of successfully implementing the New European Union Agenda for Culture’s (2018) new proposal for political collaboration within the European Union in the cultural field.

More information: https://webs.uab.cat/edo/projecte/invent-inventari-europeu-dels-valors-socials-de-la-cultura-com-a-base-per-a-politiques-culturals-inclusives-en-el-mon-en-proces-de-globalitzacio-h2020-eu-3-6-3-2-870691/