LCI Barcelona, School of Design and Visual Arts, in its commitment to connect with secondary education centers, to add value to the studies and professions related to design and creativity, and to promote these vocations, has developed various initiatives aimed at secondary students. D’EP Institut collaborates on the initiatives presented below.
LCI Award for the Best Final High School Project
Since the 2018-2019 academic yearLCI Barcelona annually announces the LCI Award for the Best Final High School Project. This award recognizes projects carried out high school students from public, private, and, semi-private schools in Catalonia who conduct research projects related to the fields of study atLCI Barcelona: Fashion Design, Graphic, Design, Interior, Design,, Animation, Video Game Design,, Product Design, Photography,, and Innovation and Creativity.
LCI Quest is a tool for reflection and self-awareness, aimed at supporting students in the process of reflecting on and making decisions about their academic and professional future.
The tool poses all series of questions to gauge the achievement of competencies for career management, as well as academic and professional interests. Upon completing. the test, a feedbackreport is generated to help students reflect on and make decisions regarding their choice of studies and profession..
LCI Barcelona collaborates with Junior Report – the newspaper for young readers – to disseminate proposals, resources, and current topics that foster critical thinking among students.
As part of this collaboration, and also with D’EP Institut as an institution specializing in academic and professional guidance, a new section on academic guidance has been launched.
To learn about all the initiatives of LCI Barcelona aimed at secondary education centers, visit:
Reference Point is an association that supports young people under guardianship, former wards, and/or at risk of exclusion in their emancipation process. During 2022 and 2023, D’EP Institut has supported the association in evaluating projects related to:
The Caja Navarra Foundation annually contributes to a fund aimed at forgotten humanitarian crises. D’EP Institut supported the management of the 2023 call for proposals, in which 8 entities applied, and three benefited: Manos Unidas, UNICEF, and ACNUR. Specifically, D’EP was responsible for preparing the materials for the jury, systematizing the evaluation criteria, collecting their contributions, and providing the results of their assessment.
D’EP Institut has facilitated the sessions promoted by the Advisory Council for Sustainable Development (CADS) to identify the 10 challenges for Sustainable Development (2022 edition - published in 2023) which have involved the participation of the Catalonia Alliance 2030. The task carried out by D’EP Institut has been the preparation of contents and materials for the sessions, their facilitation, and the analysis and presentation of conclusions. Prior to the first session, an online consultation was carried out with members of the Alliance to focus the debate In total, 4 sessions have been held, each lasting approximately 4 hours. You can consult the report at:
DE’P Institut has developed the "Practical Guide for the Evaluation of Local Health Plans" (PLS) at the request of the Barcelona Provincial Council, in order to have a document that facilitates evaluation and, therefore, assesses the achievement of the set objectives. The guide provides guidelines for planning and carrying out the monitoring and evaluation of the PLS, and also makes recommendations on the dissemination of the results obtained. It is structured into 6 chapters, and in the last one, a list of 10 basic principles to consider in the monitoring and/or evaluation of a PLS is offered. For more information:
Once again, D’EP Institut is supporting the OpenCohesion School Catalonia project that began in the 2019-2020 school year. Currently, the project is being promoted from the Open Data Area of the General Directorate of Digital Administration (DGAD). Students in 3rd and 4th of ESO participating in it carry out research, putting into practice the principles of citizen auditing, using qualitative data and information to evaluate interventions funded by the European Union cohesion policies in their territory, providing results and actively engaging. During the 2023-2024 school year, D’EP Institut is providing support to DGAD for the implementation of the project by developing teaching guides, energizing webinars, and supporting in the design of the final event. Finally, it has been entrusted with the evaluation of this edition of the project. More information: