Once again, D’EP Institut is supporting the OpenCohesion School Catalonia project that began in the 2019-2020 school year. Currently, the project is being promoted from the Open Data Area of the General Directorate of Digital Administration (DGAD).

Students in 3rd and 4th of ESO participating in the project carry out research, putting into practice the principles of citizen auditing, using open data and qualitative information to evaluate interventions funded by the European Union cohesion policies in their territory, providing results and actively engaging.

During the 2023-2024 academic year, D’EP Institut is supporting the DGAD in the implementation of the project by elaborating the didactic guides, dynamizing the webinars for the participating teachers, and supporting the design of the final event. Finally, it has been in charge of the evaluation of this edition of the project.

More information: https://administraciodigital.gencat.cat/ca/dades/dades-obertes/projectes/open-cohesion-school/index.html