D’EP Institut manages the technical office of the Baldiri Reixac Awards


The Baldiri Reixac Awards are accolades with a 45 – year history that aim to promote and recognize projects that transform education and respond to new social and educational challenges through culture and the arts.

In light of current global challenges, the latest edition of the Baldiri Awards has focused on schools and teachers with innovative projects seeking more sustainable futures. This year’s categories are: 1) Baldiri Award for Transformative Schools, 2) Baldiri Award for Artistic Projects (subcategories Catalan language and climate emergency), and 3) Baldiri Award for Innovative Experiences.

Since the 2019 – 2020 academic year, D’EP Institut h as been collaborating in the conceptualization of the different calls for proposals and managing the technical office of the Baldiri Reixac Awards.

For more information: https://fundaciocarulla.cat/premis-baldiri-reixac/